Lyrics, the words of a song or a lullaby are partly responsible for helping us to learn the melodies of language. Worldwide young children react to the calming effect of vowels uttered in a repeated meter. The pulse and rhythm of such vocal pacifiers are often intertwined with the calm breathing pattern of the speaker. That is power, power in sound, words, melody, and meter. Such experiences are just the beginning of developments we often take for granted. Songs and lyrics fill my head, my writing and my heart. Sometimes I write lyrics and melodies, sing them, or just listen to those that surround me. They have the power of the muse to inspire me, carry me away to unknown territory, let me wade in purifying waters, cry out in joy or protest. They let me dance.
2007 Lyrics: Pages & Arena Dreams
Little Circus Gril Central Station Music
Vocals: Caroline de Rooij (Holland)
Arrangements: Stephan Thaler (Austria)
CD presentation: March 06 2007
20:00 joe zawinul’s birdland,
Am Stadtpark 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria
1996 Singing & Acting
CHEASE A M(o)usical an authorized adaptation of Black on White by Ephraim Kishon
Vokalgruppe ChoroPax
Chorleiter: Michael Frankenstein (Austria)
Theater Akzent - Theresianumgasse 18, 1040 Wien
Theater Stöbergasse & Da Capo
1996 Singing & Acting
We regret... A Programm About Television
Vokalgruppe ChoroPax
Chorleiter: Michael Frankenstein (Austria)
1995 Singing & Acting
Choir Chor - Vokalgruppe ChoroPax
This was the most challenging of all the concerts I have taken part in. Six choirs, from six different parts of Austria practiced independently at their place of home to unite their efforts for this one big evening.
In Memoriam Anton Weber
Österreicher Arbeiter-Sängerbund
Präsentiert im Rahmen der Klangbogen Wien
Konzerthaus, Großer Saal
1994 Singing & Acting | Gesang & Schauspiel
Animalisms ...the animal in me and you
Vokalgruppe ChoroPax
Chorleiter: Michael Frankenstein (Austria)
1993 Singing, Acting, Ink Drawing (for the poster)
Minorities? A Concert about the Others
Vokalgruppe ChoroPax Chorleiter: Michael Frankenstein (Austria)